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Education Consultant (Full-time)

Job description
The newly employed consultant will participate in extensive training sessions and accompany experienced consultants to client districts for hands-on training experiences. When approved, the new consultant will be assigned his/her district clients and work independently. Between on-site district assignments, consultants work from a home office, with supplies provided by CLI. Even though CLI consultants work independently, they continually use email, phone conversations, and Zoom office to communicate with one another and share ideas, questions, suggestions, and new information.


Consultant responsibilities to a client district include such things as:

  • setting dates with the client

  • making travel arrangements

  • developing local leadership

  • providing direct training on the CLI Model for School Improvement

  • creating agendas and facilitating meetings

  • assuring focus and time allotments in meetings/training sessions

  • keeping detailed notes of district progress and needs

  • sharing current trends and information

  • responding to questions and situations unique to the district

  • critiquing and formatting written products

  • keeping abreast of client state requirements

  • maintaining communication with the client in between on-site visits


Additionally, staff responsibilities include:

  • attendance and participation in staff meetings

  • collaborate on organizational plans and actions

  • researching, data collection

  • facilitating online workshops and coaching activities

  • formatting and developing documents and presentations

  • delivering onsite workshops at conferences


Our CLI Consultants need to have:

  • experience with the CLI Model in a school setting as a teacher or administrator

  • a minimum of five years of experience as a classroom teacher or administrator

  • a willingness to travel to provide up to 60-65 days of service per year to our school districts. (Trips may be 3-4 days at a time, with two trips or more per month, depending on the district’s preference for onsite versus virtual service. All expenses are covered.)

  • excellent oral and written communication skills

  • strong writing and technology skills

  • dynamic presentation skills


Salary, Benefits, & Perks

We offer a competitive salary and benefits package in the non-profit sector, to include:

  • A base salary of at least $60,000 with opportunities for supplements/bonuses

  • Monthly allowances for:

    • Health insurance

    • Cell phone

    • Internet

  • Laptop, printer, and office supplies

  • A one-time wardrobe allowance

  • Travel reimbursement for on-site visits, including mileage and per diem, according to current GSA rates

  • After one year of employment, a retirement match of up to 3% of the salary

  • Vacation days, comp days when work requires travel on weekends or government holidays, and an extended holiday break (similar to school districts)

  • Flex Fridays and shorter summer hours

  • Lastly, and what we believe is most important, is flexibility, respect, and support from your CLI Family!


To apply: submit a resume, letter of intent, and three letters of reference to

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