Assessment: a measure to collect formal or informal data related to students’ achievement and/or progress toward learning goals. Informal data may be based upon observation and dialogue; formal data is based upon completion of some form of test or performance-based activity.
Benchmarks: assessments at key points in the students’ education to assure they are mastering designated standards.
CLI Model: a systemic and systematic management system for academic programs with step-by-step processes for governance, curriculum, instruction, assessment, and staff development.
Components: specific concepts or skills necessary for students to know or do in order to perform the outcome.
Component assessment: assessments that occur throughout instruction to check “small pieces” of a unit.
Constructed response assessment: a paper and pencil type of test in which students must generate their own responses.
Criteria: teacher-determined levels at which students must demonstrate learning before beginning next steps.
Curriculum Coordinating Council (CCC): a leadership group established by district policy which includes teachers, administrators, support staff, and parents who make decisions and take action regarding curriculum, instruction, assessment, and student learning issues.
Curriculum Leadership Institute (CLI): a nonprofit organization that assists education institutions (e.g., schools, service centers, state departments) as they work to improve student learning.
Evaluation: making judgments about the quality of student performance based upon clear rubrics or scoring guides and student achievement data.
Formative assessment: assessments used to provide evidence of the process of learning and are not intended to be reported.
High achievement unit outcome: essential expectations all students in a grade level or course must know or be able to do. Topics are not isolated; instead concepts and skills are connected in dynamic units of instruction.
Instructional Planning Resource: an instructional plan directly aligned with the curriculum that can be used year after year as it is continually added to or modified.
Outcome assessment: assessments that occur at the end of instruction and are cumulative – measuring all of the “pieces” together.
Pacing Guide: a plan to organize the instruction of the curriculum, adjusted annually.
Performance/product assessment: assessment activities that require students to apply learning to specific tasks and situations in order to demonstrate their knowledge and skills.
Rubric: a scoring tool that is a continuum or scale describing the qualities of multiple traits of student work (e.g., essay, product, or performance).
Selected response assessment: a paper and pencil type of test in which the correct answers are provided and the students must simply identify them.
Standards: recommendations from state departments of education and learned societies for concepts and skills that should be included in local curriculums.
Subject Area Committee (SAC): a representative group of teachers appointed by the CCC to develop a results-based curriculum.
Summative assessment: assessments that occur at the end of learning and is intended to be reported as a measure of learning.